Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shame on me

Yes, shame on me. It has been nearly 4 long months without me writing a damn thing on my blog. What a shame. I have thought of many of thing to write in all this time. The only problem has been my lack of time and then energy.

Since June what has happened...
1) the in-laws came to visit.
2) we went camping
3) peds graduated
4) my work got absolutely crazy!
5) we made a few trips to mke and shytown
6) we started home brewing. (on our third, of which we bottled today. it's a cider!)
7) we've met more and more friends
8) we've drunk more (see why in #7)
9) i have no free time because work is crazy!

Yeah. I guess most of the posts I have wanted to write about more recently have been more political. Therefore I have resisted the urge. I am not one to offend. In fact, all the yard signs, bumper stickers are getting on my nerves. When can this thing just be over? My ballot goes in tomorrow. I can't take it anymore - there are more important newsy things to cover versus the election crap.

Yeah.... smiling widely that I do not have a 401K at the moment to even had lost. :)

I am still alive and breathing. This post was to confirm that.

I will try to write again soon. Promise!


famos said...

happy to see you are alive! :P

A question, what is a 401K?, I've been seing it for a long time in job offers and never discovered what it is.

Yesterday I signed for english classses, hope you can understand me til it takes effect :D.



PS: ask Peds to write in his blog about the elections, please, I'd like to know something from there...

Angbaby said...

Hola :)

A 401K is a savings plan that you use for your retirement. It's a big deal here -- and now many people don't have much money left. Good thing I don't have one :). (Actually, I should, but whatever).

I have been meaning to write about the elections too. I am sure Pedro would do better.

Hope you are well!!

famos said...

Thanks a lot

I asked you to ask Pedro to write about elections because I read a post in twitter saying he was terrified with one of the candidates...