Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nothing personal

I strive to not let this blog of mine get to personal and too in depth about my personal life. Whether I do this because I'm worried some ghost of my past will find out about this blog and read all the inner workings of my now "quasi adult" brain or I just don't want anyone to know (whether I know you or not) what's going on upstairs.

What can I say - I think us americanos are rather private about our more 'human' qualities. (i.e. defeat, short comings...etc). Once we do something good we're all about showing it off. It is the more human traits that we tend not to share. Anyway, not only is this a very random start to this post, but it really has absolutely nothing to do with what I wanted to talk about. Of which, I have entirely forgotten.

I suppose there are a few things I recently learned:
1) Life is way too short for second guessing. And way too short to be able to predict. Sadly, it should not take a family emergency to have to actually have that point validated. (Everything is a-ok, no worries).

2) Spring really does happen overnight. Last night there were buds on the trees and this morning there was greenery! Amazing. I swear it literary happened overnight.

3) Earthquakes really do wake you up. **Yes, there was an earthquake that hit these parts. I couldn't figure out why Pedro and I were both up at around 4'35a.m. I later found out I must have grabbed the heck out of him in my sleep when the ground shook. This would probably also explain why it took me FOREVER to get back to sleep; the earth quake must have shook me enough to scare the crap out of me without my even knowing what had hit until reading the news.

4) People are stupid. Not all people, but many. No need to go in details. but let's just say I've been hit by my share of stupids lately. (And I am walking away unbruised ;)).

Wish I could say that I have learned more recently.... I'll get right back on it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Exciting ;)

Thought I would share the excitement. Peds and I both will have photos in an exhibition at a local coffee house. (Two of mine got in ;)). And there they are. They are kind of crazy, not Peds style, but I think they are interesting. Plus, my blog needed some images. :o)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

To begin, you begin

That exact quote I heard just a day ago. And it kind of stuck.

I was responsible for making some call backs and who would have known I would have had a 73 year old woman on the other line asking me about my life goals and aspirations. It was almost a free therapy session ;).

She asked me point blank if I would consider myself an artist. Hmmm.

The short answer is maybe. I love art. I love culture. I love filling my life with both and trying (and pretending) like I am decent at what fits into its definition, which by the way is personal to each and every human being. I started telling her about how I'd like to write a book. I've started, but just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to continue working on it.

She wouldn't buy that - saying we make time for everything we do. The things we really want to do we will find time to do. She then said the most important thing she got out of therapy (and probably one of the few things she remembers) is that in order "to begin, you begin."

I like that. It's easy enough to think about all the things we want to do in life; all the things we need to do in life. Where is there the time to do all of that? Quoting an old coach "You gotta want it to win it." Another true-ism. ;)

So does this mean I've gotten back into writing my book. Well.... no. Does it mean that I am thinking about it... well maybe. I do know though that at some point soon I will do it.
Even if no one else ever sees it or reads it - I will do it. For me.

So the creative juices have been flowing. It is a curious thing - creativity.

The million dollar question - What is an artist? The million dollar answer: Depends on who is defining it. So I guess if I want to call myself an artist - then I can. Although, I still would opt to say maybe.

Hmm.... gears turning. More to come soon. *I'm certain*

Thursday, April 3, 2008

El trabajo que es para buscar trabajo

Como os suena? Es la verdad.

Es un trabajo completo buscar trabajo. (Y encima de esto es un conazo :)).

Me alegro un monton que (por fin) no tengo que buscarlo yo. Tal vez, me siento culpable. Es que ya estoy acustumbrada tener que buscar un curro nuevo cada 9 meses. Pero, quien se sabe - a lo mejor tendre que hacerlo otra vez. Ya veremos.

Estaba pensando (y si es una novedad si pienso en cosas que no tienen que ver con arte y cultura ;)) que ya es el momento cuando hay mas gente buscando trabajo que cualquier otra temperada. Por que? Pues porque todo el mundo de la universidad que estan en sus ultimas semanas estan buscando curro como locos. (O por lo menos, lo deberian estar haciendo ya!).

Me acuerdo cuando el mercado era mejor y no era tan dificil para buscar y encontrar trabajo. A lo mejor todavia esta asi y nuestra maldita prensa nos quiere mentir. Se que en 5-10 anitos vamos a tener muchos puestos mas - es que ya nos toca que la gente mayor se jubilan. Aunque lo deberian empeziar ya, espero que por lo menos en 5 anos se van.

Es tiempo ya para pasar el poder a gente mas joven. :o)

Ay, no se. Y tampoco tengo mas para escribir. He visto un tipo en el autobus el otro dia "buscando oro" (si digais eso en espanol). [Y si no - el tipo estaba cojiendo moscos enfrente de todos los pasajeros]. Piense escribir algo sobre esto - pero no hay mucho para contar. Siempre me da risa de la gente que hacen cosas en publicos que no deberian hacer a solos!
