Monday, May 19, 2008

Blast from the past

Every so often it's nice to be reconnected with the past. Whether it be from a friend from yesteryears, an old photograph from your youth or getting a waft of grandma's cooking. It's always nice to look back at the happy times.

I have a selective memory. Somehow or another, I push all the not so happy moments of my life completely out of mind. This, of course is not something I am going to complain about. Once I finally do get around to burning all my old journals, then it will really be all out of mind. The sad thing is that my selective memory is flawed. Not only have I pushed out all the not so pleasant moments, I seem to do that with the monumental times of my life. That means graduations, baptisms, details of family trips... (Note to reader: I do remember my wedding day, thank you very much!). It is a very odd thing. I can remember the small, mundane details of things, but not the "big picture" moments. Thank god we invented cameras, it sure helps jog the memory.

Who knows. It's like the "outlier" happy and bad moments get lost in the shuffle. *Sigh*

There was something in particular I really had wanted to write about, but I don't quite think the timing is right. It will come soon enough - and has to do with reconnecting. Until then...

1 comment:

famos said...

While I wait for your 'reconnection moment' I'd like to say that everyones brain work in a very similar way, I think. At the end, you keep just short flashes of your past, and, most of the times, these flashes are centered in happy instants.

By the way, you appear in many of 'my flashes' from the last years!!

Kisses pumpkin...I miss you, be back soon!!!!
