One of my "european-minded" friends recently sent me the link to an article called "A small, vocal group of women wants you to toss out your pads, tampons and liners and go -- no joke -- reusable." The article basically talks about reusable tampons and pads. Ones that the female physically has to clean before using again.
The article should have been called, "A small, vocal group of women who have gone mad and don't bleed between their legs monthly, and haven't bleed for many, many years, thus forgetting what bleeding between thine legs is like."
I know I don't have a strong readership on my blog, but I imagine if I did this post would get comments. Anyway - here are some "juicy, aka highly disturbing" tidbits" from the article.
The pretext to this is the crazy woman talking about "pad lingerie." There are sexy animal print designs, lacy designs and fancy colors...
"The pads' colorful patterns bring an aspect of fun to her cycle, Eve says. "I went to a bead store and picked some fancy stones to make a bracelet to wear while I was bleeding," she says, explaining that such activities are positive diversions from cramps and fatigue. Other women, according to Eve, water their plants with their menstrual blood (gathered from the soaked pads) and even use their blood to make artwork.
Eve calls these acts "empowering," and says they help women "cope" with menstruation. While there's nothing inherently wrong with these methods of dealing, most women would just call them gross. Although few may find it necessary to do more with their blood than flush it, Kellogg says women do need to get over their stereotypes of female bodily functions."
I don't have much else to say about this -- other than I find it absolutely REPULSIVE! Who in their right mind needs to be empowered by menstruation? It happens, it's a natural thing. There shouldn't be an excuse to "cope." And if there is an excuse it should involve: binge drinking, chocolate, bubble baths, red wine, chocolate, elastic pants, chocolate, martinis and sweats. *This is how most women cope with their menstruation and feel empowered. *
Good night nurse!
I think you do not really found the correct adjective, more than repulsive I would have chosen 'old fashioned' because what came to my mind when I read your post was: oooops coming back to my grandma times!! 50 or 70 years back there were nor pads (i gess this means 'compresas' :D) neither tampons, even for children mums had to clean the what is proposed is going back to the good old times...
I hope my english is understandable for you pumpkin.
You are too funny. Yes, I hadn't thought about it that way -- it is old fashioned. (But in the olden times they did not know any better - since there were not compresas ;) or tampones).
How fun it is to be a woman in the 21st century! :)
Mil besitos,
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