Thursday, February 21, 2008

Could anything be more repulsive?

One of my "european-minded" friends recently sent me the link to an article called "A small, vocal group of women wants you to toss out your pads, tampons and liners and go -- no joke -- reusable." The article basically talks about reusable tampons and pads. Ones that the female physically has to clean before using again.

The article should have been called, "A small, vocal group of women who have gone mad and don't bleed between their legs monthly, and haven't bleed for many, many years, thus forgetting what bleeding between thine legs is like."

I am all about the green movement, don't get me wrong. BUT, there are certain instances where it is okay NOT to reduce, reuse and recycle. For goodness sakes, who wants to clean up their own blood? It's one thing if it's a scrapped knee, paper cut... and I'm not even going to get into any more details - the thought repulses me... ewww!

I know I don't have a strong readership on my blog, but I imagine if I did this post would get comments. Anyway - here are some "juicy, aka highly disturbing" tidbits" from the article.

The pretext to this is the crazy woman talking about "pad lingerie." There are sexy animal print designs, lacy designs and fancy colors...

"The pads' colorful patterns bring an aspect of fun to her cycle, Eve says. "I went to a bead store and picked some fancy stones to make a bracelet to wear while I was bleeding," she says, explaining that such activities are positive diversions from cramps and fatigue. Other women, according to Eve, water their plants with their menstrual blood (gathered from the soaked pads) and even use their blood to make artwork.

Eve calls these acts "empowering," and says they help women "cope" with menstruation. While there's nothing inherently wrong with these methods of dealing, most women would just call them gross. Although few may find it necessary to do more with their blood than flush it, Kellogg says women do need to get over their stereotypes of female bodily functions."

I don't have much else to say about this -- other than I find it absolutely REPULSIVE! Who in their right mind needs to be empowered by menstruation? It happens, it's a natural thing. There shouldn't be an excuse to "cope." And if there is an excuse it should involve: binge drinking, chocolate, bubble baths, red wine, chocolate, elastic pants, chocolate, martinis and sweats. *This is how most women cope with their menstruation and feel empowered. *

Good night nurse!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Being married is like being SINGLE

Yes, it is true. Being married is like being SINGLE. Instead of looking for a mate, you look for friends who can relate to the situation. And what situation is that all you truly single folks ask yourselves?

Here is the breakdown. Since we have been married here are some trends I have noticed:

1) People don't call as much.
2) New single friends don't always call you.
3) Other married couples don't always call you.
4) Single non-acquaintance individuals of your age group treat you like a lunatic.
5) It's way harder to meet people. (PERIOD).

Now for some clarifications.

1) People don't call as much. This is true, but why I am not sure. Sometimes I think that folks think that if you are married, you must be busy doing "married couple things." Let me tell you - since being married, we do the same "single" things as we do as "married couple things." Nothing has changed! (Except the phone bill is much lower than before...)

2) New single friends are great, don't get me wrong. But, it's strange, different, lo k sea. I think the assumption is that we probably already have plans or would prefer to stay home and whisper sweet nothings to each other. Let me disclaim this explanation: Almost all of our new single friends are males. I think they think that on the weekends we never leave the bedroom. No need to call and interrupt our "couple time." Oh - pleease! We still need to eat, drink, laugh and socialize with others.

3) Other married couples don't call either. Must be because they would prefer "couple time" versus joint "couple time." Props to them - but Peds and I are both social people. We like to see others - especially those who are in the same situation. Wearing a wedding band doesn't mean you are on house arrest once the clock frickin' strikes 8 p.m. Ay!! I think we need to put out a personal ad "Married couple seeks other married couple friends. Must be adventurous and enjoy good wine, beer and movies. Interest in travel and camping is a plus."

4) This is true. I quote (as Peds and I were leaving a party on a Thursday at 11:30 p.m., since I had to work the next morning at 8 a.m.) "I don't worry about them, they are married." Okay idiot - nice come back. I am so insulted, you pegged me good. Saying married like it was calling me a fatso or a slut. Good one. The sad thing is that this kid probably hasn't had the company of someone in his bed since he was 10 and climbed into his parents' bed after having night terrors. It is strange though - when people hear you are married they look at you differently. (Males mostly, as secretly almost any female desires to married off). I am sure in 5 years this will change, but being in the student crowd does yield many crazy looks.

5) Yes, enough said. Being married, in a new city makes it near impossible to meet new people.
Where do you go out to meet good friends? Just like you don't want to meet a sig other at a bar - is a bar the best place to meet friends? The grocery store hasn't worked. I think we need to try the library ;).

Anyway - that is the reflection. Is there a simple answer? No. I talked to my mother about this recently and she said my dad and her didn't really meet people until they had kids. Well... looks like Peds and I have some time to wait - because that is definitely not in the cards anytime soon.


~Me encantaria poder escribir todo de esto en espanol, pero es k esta demasiado chungo.~

Monday, February 4, 2008


You hear the bleeepppp and assume it was one of the overly used four letter wonders of the English language. Half the time I hear the bleep I already find myself saying or at least thinking the word in my head. No biggie.

What I find repulsive is that things much much worse than a f-bomb are not censored. I think the feeble minds of Americans can handle the cuss words - we all use them from time to time. What we should not have to handle is uncensored verbal violence.

I've been thinking about this theme a lot lately - and more this weekend than most because I had total system overload of Spaniards (god love them, but my brain is still mush!). We were all at a bar and it was the WWF wrestling finals.

I've never liked this type of "sport." I remember my brothers being really into "The Rock" and running around the house pretending (thank god) to imitate the wrestlers. It's besides the point how I feel about the sport. That it is a stupid waste of time, energy and brain power. (Oh - nevermind to qualify to be competing you basically already have to be brain dead and from the Bible Belt -- do you smell irony?).

Anyway, I was particularly disgusted by the intro before fight. Each "fighter" spoke in great extend about how their wishes to maul / gore / induce ungodly pains on the opponent. It was really graphic. If I could have covered my ears I would have. *Note: I do cover my eyes frequently when I don't want to see what will happen*.

What most irked me about these intros was the fact they fricking bleeped out the cuss words. Since when was 'fudge' and any other cuss word worse than listening to someone talk about how they wanted to pummel a human being to the ground and 'have them taste their own blood in the back of their throat."

Isn't that what should be censored?

Regardless - it's not the type of program that any child should be watching. But, if they do -- I think the f-bombs are the least of the problems. Nothing like watching two protein'ed-out meatheads beat the living shit out of each other. Why censor that when you can throw in a few bleeping bleeps instead of addressing the real mother bleeping issue at hand!

Anyway - that's my two cents on the subject. Put another quarter in if you want to hear more.